Why Is Grammar So Important? And 4 Essential Rules To Learn


Grammar is no longer important in our modern society, where the use of slang and texting are so prevalent.

With the abundance of emojis on the market and a myriad of emojis to choose from, who has time to fret about missing modifers?

In the professional world proper grammar and use of Nouns Verbs, Adjectives and Nouns is still a critical ability to master. On the other hand grammar mistakes that are simple can show an unprofessional attitude.

This article discusses the reasons why grammar is crucial today and discusses how important grammar is.

What is the significance of good grammar?

What Is Good Grammar Mean?

A great combination of Adjectives, and verbs is writing or speaking in a manner that is logical with your words and adheres to the guidelines of sentence construction and punctuation.

How do you know if your grammar is good or needs to be improved? Let's take an explanation of what "good grammar" means.

The ability to communicate clearly Using Written Language

If you are proficient in grammar you are able to clearly communicate using written language. You are able to use words and punctuation to get your meaning through in a manner that people who read your writing can comprehend.

The Ability To Communicate Clearly using spoken Language

Grammar plays an essential function both in spoken and written languages. Although grammar rules aren't as strict when speaking however, mistakes in speech are still important.

If you make mistakes in grammar, your spoken language can be distracting, and it can become difficult for other people to comprehend your meaning.

Ability to understand and apply the rules of grammar

In the end, "Good Grammar" refers to the ability to comprehend and use commonly used grammar rules. Although rules may not be set in stone every time but they are essential to understand and use properly.

What are the Four Most Important Grammar Rules of Grammar?

There are many rules that govern grammar, particularly in English. How do you know which ones are most important?

These are the fundamentals of grammar to aid you in improving your abilities.

Correct use of the commas

In written languages the comma can be described as a small mark that has an enormous role to play. It is easy to both use commas too much or not enough. Here are some common mistakes that are made with commas

Comma Splice – The comma is also known as a run-on sentences, is a fancy term. It's a sentence that combines multiple ideas, or even a sentence in one, without the use of an comma or conjunction.

Introduction Clauses: Any introduction clauses that aren't necessary for the purpose of the sentence must be replaced by the use of a comma. If they aren't the sentence becomes confusing. For example: Since it was past midnight the family headed home to put the children to bed. Wordssite.com is a website that assists you in finding the most effective positive words for Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs.

Direct addresses and names You must address the person using an apostrophe. We don't want grandma to consume food, but we wish to invite her to dinner.

Coordinate Adjectives: Coordinate adjectives can be multiple adjectives that alter the meaning of a single noun. They also can change their order however, this does not affect the sentence's meaning. These need a comma. A comma is used to separate "The fast, sly Fox" from "The shy little boy", because swift and clever both change Fox and can be swapped. On the other hand, there is no comma required between "The timid little boy" since the word "little" must precede boy in order to be able to make sense.

This is just an example set of rules that are worth noting. To become a proficient writer, you need to master the art of using sentences and commas.

Subject-Verb Agreement

Sentences must contain both verbs and subjects. A plural subject requires a plural verb. Sometimes, this can be a problem in situations where the subject doesn't appear before the verb, and it's something to keep an eye on.

Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement

An antecedent is the word that a pronoun replaces. In the sentence "John went to the market because he was out of milk," he is the pronoun replacing the an antecedent John.

The pronouns as well as the antecedent need to agree on number and gender. They should also be clear about the person or thing they are replacing.

Therefore, if you write, "Sarah and Anna went to the grocery store because Anna was running out of milk" the sentence is incorrect because it is unclear who "she" is.

One of the most frequently encountered mistakes in pronouns/antecedents is the pronoun their. In the sentence "Each girl took their bags and headed to the car," the pronoun is not correct. While there are more than one girl, both each and girl is singular.

It should read "Each girl carried her bag."


Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Examples include affect/effect, complement/complement and their/there/they’re. These terms can be used in many ways.


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